How to Cure TMJ Permanently: 6 Tips to Try Today

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, commonly known as TMD or TMJ, can be a frustrating condition, causing discomfort in your jaw, face, and even neck. The good news? While TMJ doesn’t always resolve on its own, there are steps you can take to cure it permanently. 

For example, daily jaw exercises, temporarily adopting a soft diet, and managing your stress levels can help to cure TMJ. If you’re looking for effective, personalized care for TMJ, partnering with us can be a great first step toward starting your recovery. 

What is TMJ/TMD? 

Before discussing potential solutions, it’s helpful to understand TMJ. It is a condition that refers to dysfunction in the joint connecting the jawbone to the skull, which plays a role in eating, speaking, and other jaw movements. Some common symptoms of TMJ may include:

  • Discomfort or soreness in the jaw
  • Clicking or popping sound in the jaw 
  • Difficulty opening or closing the jaw 
  • Headaches or earaches 
  • Discomfort in the face or neck 

If you or a loved one are experiencing any of these symptoms, don’t worry! Let’s explore some tips on how you can help to recover from TMJ and find lasting relief. 

6 Tips to Help Cure TMJ

  1. Practice Jaw Exercises 

    One of the simplest methods to address TMJ issues is through specific jaw exercises that are designed to help strengthen and stretch the muscles around your jaw. Here are a few examples of exercises. 

    The “Goldfish Exercise”: 

    This exercise involves placing your tongue on the roof of your mouth, then opening and closing your jaw halfway six times. The goal is to achieve lasting results by consistently performing the exercise daily. This exercise can help improve jaw mobility, reduce tension, and eventually minimize or eliminate TMJ symptoms.

  2. Apply Hot or Cold Compresses 

    Applying a warm compress to your jaw can help relax muscles and alleviate discomfort, while using a cold compress can reduce swelling and numb pain. Alternating between warm and cold treatments for 15 to 20 minutes several times a day may provide relief and support the healing process. 

  3. Adjust Your Diet 

    Certain foods can enhance the symptoms of TMJ without you even realizing it. Here are some tips to improve your diet:

    • Avoid hard or chewy foods: Things like nuts, tough meats, or gum can lead to strain in the jaw. 
    • Prioritize soft, nutrient-rich foods: Soups. Smoothies. And soft fruits reduce stress on the joint while helping to fuel your body with nutrients needed to support healing. 
  4. Stress Management Techniques 

    Stress can play a role in TMJ, often leading to activities such as teeth grinding (bruxism) or jaw clenching, which contribute to the condition. Here are some useful methods to help reduce stress:

    • Practice relaxation methods: Deep breathing, yoga, and meditation can help to reduce tension in the jaw. 
    • Consider Biofeedback Therapy, which can help you to train yourself to avoid stress-induced clenching. 

    By focusing on stress management, you can help to alleviate the pressure on your jaw joint, reducing long-term TMJ issues.

  5. Consider a Mouth Guard or Splint

    Mouth guards and splints can be helpful tools in reducing teeth grinding and jaw clenching throughout the day and, specifically at night when you’re sleeping. 

    • Night Guards protect your teeth and reduce pressure on the jaw when sleeping. 
    • Splints, which are to be worn during the day, help to realign your bite and prevent muscle strain throughout the day. 

    We recommend consulting with your dentist to discuss which one of these devices might be right for your specific needs. 

  6. Correct Your Posture 

    Believe it or not, something as simple as fixing your posture can play a role in TMJ discomfort and symptoms. Poor posture, such as slouching over a computer or desk all day, can strain the neck and jaw muscles. Here are some tips to maintain better posture:

    • Sit up straight with your head aligned over your shoulders 
    • Practice ergonomics to help maintain good posture throughout daily activities 

    Over time, better posture can help to relieve stress on your jaw joint and support long-term healing. 

  7. Seek Professional Treatment 

    If at-home remedies are not providing the relief that you need, consider speaking with a professional who can help address more advanced TMJ cases. Here are some ways that a professional can help:

    • Physical therapy involves targeted exercises and manual techniques to help strengthen and relax the jaw muscles. 
    • Orthodontic treatment may be necessary to help correct alignment issues that might be contributing to TMJ.
    • Injection therapy with Botox or corticosteroid can help to reduce discomfort in more advanced cases of TMJ.

    Working with an experienced healthcare professional may be the key to success and can help you to develop a personalized plan for resolving TMJ permanently. 

Getting TMJ Support Today 

TMJ doesn’t have to be a lifelong issue. By incorporating simple tips like using compresses, managing stress, and maintaining good posture, you can reduce symptoms and improve comfort. For personalized guidance, book an appointment with our friendly team at Northwest Dental—we’re here to help you take the first step toward relief.